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Media Coverage



For any media inquiries please contact us here via email  

  1. Global TV - Tractor rally rolls through Penticton in protest...  (Global, Sep 16/20)

  2. Southern Okanagan farmers protest...  (CBC, Sep 16/20)

  3. Rally [..] prompts reaction from developer   (Penticton Western News, Sep 15/20)

  4. New Society launched to protect the Naramata Bench (Penticton News, Dec 23/20)

  5. Weedy development site irks neighbours....  (Penticton Herald, Oct 14/20)

  6. Residents oppose Spiller development...   (Penticton Western News, Feb 14/14)

  7. Farmers rally against proposed mega-subdivision...   (GlobalNews, Sep 14/20)

  8. WATCH: Tractors line Main Street in opposition...   (Penticton Western News, Sep 15/20)

  9. Concern Over "Horizons" Changing On The Bench...   (MyNaramata, Sep 16/20)

  10. Farmers rally at Penticton City Hall to oppose...   (, Sep 15/20)

  11. Protest in front of Penticton City Hall...   (PentictonNow, Sept 15/20)

  12. RDOS denies responsibility   (Castanet, Apr 11/19)

  13. Penticton Indian Band opposes Canadian Horizons...   (Penticton Western News, Oct 19/20)

  14. New society, website launched...   (Penticton Herald, Dec 21/20)

  15. 10 pivotal First Nations rights disputes to watch in 2021...   (Maclean's, Dec 15/20)

  16. Rezoning decision looms large for detractors...   (Penticton Western News, Jan 8/21)
    Article Response: City staffer seems too enthusiastic for Spiller Rd....(Penticton Western News, Jan 13/21)
    Article Response: Staff’s job is analysis, not promotion – (Penticton Herald Jan 16/21)

  17. Responsible Development for our Future Generations   (MyNaramata, Jan 11/21)

  18. Terry David Mulligan - Protecting Naramata Bench (Tasting Room Radio, Jan 16/21)

  19. Development still a concern (Castanet, Feb 11/21)

  20. City of Penticton exploring engagement process (Castanet, Feb 11/21)

  21. Council kills controversial 300-home development (Penticton Herald, Feb 16/21)

  22. City axes zoning request (Castanet, Feb 16/21)

  23. Community group happy with council’s rejection...  (Penticton Western News, Feb 17/21)

  24. Preserve Naramata Bench Press Release (, Feb 17/21)

  25. Society for Preservation of the Naramata Bench applauds city council's decision to deny rezoning (Castanet, Feb 17/21)

  26. Penticton Indian Band Applauds City of Penticton (, Feb 17/21)

  27. Kelowna Council denies Canadian Horizons subdivision in the works for 8 years (Kelowna Capital News, Mar 2/21)

  28. Developer sues Kelowna stating "bad faith" decision to reject subdivision (Keremeos Review, Sept 7/21)

  29. Kelowna Council excludes Canadian Horizon's land from growth area (Castanet, Sept 7/21)

  30. OPINION: The natural values are what make Penticton so attractive (Penticton Western News, Mar 3/21)

  31. Spurned developer lobbying BC gov't to transfer powers from municipalities (Okanagan Edge, Mar 11/22)

  32. Society for the Preservation of the Naramata Bench gearing up again to fight Canadian Horizons (Penticton Herald, May 16/22)

  33. Naramata housing development scales back to seek approval (Castanet May 18/22)

  34. Society for the Preservation of the Naramata Bench urges participation in public engagement (Penticton Herald, June 17/22)

  35. Penticton Council expresses concerns with Naramata Bench development echoing grassroots community group (Castanet, sept 6/22)

  36. Public Opposition to Penticton's Spiller Rd. Development Remains (Summerland Review, June 11/22)

  37. Sewer owner rejects claim system at risk of catastrophic failure  (Penticton Herald, Aug 25/22)

  38. Global TV - Controversial Naramata development back on Council Agenda (Sept 1/22)

  39. Public engagement results show majority of Penticton still disapproves...(Castanet, Sept 1/22)

  40. Results show strong opposition to Horizon's proposal (Penticton News, Sept 4/22)

  41. Canadian Horizons withdraws development proposal #2...(Penticton Western News, Sept 1/22)

  42. Global TV - Outlook Developer's engineer says developer not responsible for excess ground water (March 28/18)

  43. Property owners sue developer of Kettle Ridge (Penticton Herald, Jan 17/19)

  44. BC government blames developers of Kettle Ridge and Outlook (Castanet, Jan 15/19)

  45. Mud slides create chaos in StoneBrook  (My Naramata, Sept /14)

  46. RDOS stop passing buck on hillside runoff  (My Naramata, Sept /22)

  47. Vista developer and engineer are silent (My Naramata, Sept 26/22)

  48. Area director urges more oversight of Vista Development  (My Naramata, Sept 27/22)

  49. How is hillside development controlled (My Naramata, Sept 27)/22

  50. RDOS enforcement of permits and bylaws on hillside development inadequate (My Naramata, Sept 29/22)

  51. Excess runoff from Vista Naramata has locals scared (Global Sept/22)

  52. Homeowner impacted by mudslide (My Naramata, Oct 5/22)

  53. The Campbell Mountain Elk have returned early (Summerland Review, Nov 8/22)

  54. Year in Review Pentictons Controversial developments (Western, Dec/22)

  55. Penticton Indian Band digging in heels at Spiller (Penticton Herald, April 6/23)

  56. Pentictons city facility at Campbell Mountain failed to qualify compost - too high of waste content (Castanet, March 7/23)

  57. Our Petition Results - 14,522 Supporters that voted to Preserve and Protect Naramata's Bench

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