We Need you now!! Monday, June 3rd, 6:00pm, Public Hearing In-Person best but zoom details below https://www.penticton.ca/city-hall/city-council/council-meetings/public-hearings.
Our elected officials are not listening…
Penticton's Official Community Plan 2024 is being presented for acceptance by Penticton City Council. Changes in the plan could potentially allow 100's of homes on small lots along the east side of Naramata Road and beside Campbell Mtn Landfill.
80% of public feedback supports removing the Spiller Road area as a “growth area” in the OCP. This would remove higher density land use designations (townhouses/duplexes, fourplexes, etc) . This is AWESOME but despite the overwhelming public support a few of the Councillors are not onside. They want to hear more from the public.
We need your voice:
Remove Spiller Rd. area as a growth area in the OCP.
The Rural Residential designation is a MINIMUM of 1 hectare regardless of municipal hookups.
Retain current zoning of Agriculture (2 ha) and Forestry/Grazing (16 ha).
City staff advised Council they have enough areas to build within the built-up areas of the city, and no longer need the Naramata Bench as a growth area.
Recommendations to remove the Spiller area as a growth area are, so far, from:
Penticton City Staff
The Penticton Indian Band
Interior Health
The OCP Council appointed Task Force
The Society for Preservation of the Naramata Bench
Grasslands BC
Sierra Club
Okanagan Habitat Preservation 2030
Commonage Preservation Alliance
First Things First
Interior Watershed Task Force
PUBLIC engagement - clearly wanting large rural lots sizes to prevent densification and urban sprawl, and to protect sensitive hillside environments
And, hopefully, YOU
The Spiller Rd. area is steep, environmentally sensitive hillside. Thousands of trees will be cut down and the rock will be blasted destroying this ecosystem forever.
habitat loss for the Greyback Elk Herd and 18 other species at risk
increased traffic
erosion concerns to agricultural lands below
unique character and identity of Naramata Bench eroded
increased water demands in a drought area
higher cost maintenance and services not offset with taxes
potential lawsuits from leachate from landfill;
higher emissions from large homes and vehicles
Please call your friends, family and contacts to come out in solidarity to protect our jewel, the Naramata Bench
