Photo of Vista Naramata clearcut
Interior Health and PIB, as stakeholders in the public engagement process kicked off in February of 2022 by the City of Penticton Planning Department have rejected the Canadian Horizons development. They arn't the only ones, as First Things First, RDOS and the Society to Preserve the Naramata Bench also submitted numerous reasons to protest developing this gorgeous hillside that has a strong brand associated with drawing tourists from all parts of Canada and the world.
Now we wait for Canadian Horizons "New" application, that was submitted to the city planners on September 4, 2022. Unfortunately, most of current council, except Bloomfield, Miller and Watt do not have the last 2 years of background on this issue. Councillor Boultbee lives on Spiller Road, and has had her campaign funded by the developer, the builder, and the realtor who owns land in the vicinity. We were expecting city staff to make a recommendation based on the findings of the engagement, to ask Council to direct staff to review the OCP designations for this area of the city (ie Spiller Rd. north of the landfill). It didn't happen, at least not yet.
Penticton Indian Band stakeholder letter opposing development page 1
Penticton Indian Band stakeholder letter opposing development page 2
Interior Health stakeholder letter opposing development
First Things First, climate change and urban sprawl
Society to Preserve the Naramata Bench opposing development